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Posts Tagged ‘side-effects of worry’

Worrisome Lonesome

Posted by Mrityunjay on May 18, 2009

worryImagine its 2 A.M., and you’re awake! Mind wandering and palms all sweaty! You are chatting with few friends and yet you are feeling nervous and WORRIED! Yes, you are worried. Worried about exams, results, family, money, career, life and what not? It could be even does my boyfriend miss me as much as I miss him? Or what others are thinking about me? This is not a onetime event. It has become a habit, a menace. That’s the travesty of modern life. We have become worrywarts! Worrisome lonesome!

The problem with us is we have started to worry about everything. Most of the things that trigger this chain reaction of worries is ‘imaginative what-if situation’! Probably, its not fair to use the word ‘We’ but definitely most of us tend to think, contemplate and then start worrying about every small of life! Why? Even the joker would say “Why so serious”? that was not really humorous but I know you got what I wanted to say.

I was glancing through the Sunday edition of The Times of India and they had published this all India survey across eight major cities. The theme was, yes you guessed it right; worry! The findings were funny as well as ironical. 75 percent said, they are worried about relationships whereas 80 percent blamed their worry quotient on family. Most startling finding was that all Indians were worried about losing their self-esteem! WTF!

In fact, worrying has become an obsession. The hardest thing to see is bright students and performing executives (the leading lights of our future) constantly worrying about tomorrow that can never be predicted. Too much of planning, too much of expectations and allowing oneself to be burdened by others’ hopes and aspirations are the major causes of this unhealthy obsession. Few people even mentioned factors such as, 30 inch waistline, the dog/cat being fat, fear of parents finding her secret diary, online hook-ups, getting only 92 percent result when it should have 98 percent, not having perfect vital statistics etc etc. I am already sweating!

 The thing with worry is, different people react differently to it. Few even get addicted to it. They just can’t survive without worrying at least once in a day. I know few of those types. I read this somewhere, “worry is often like a rocking chair: it gives you something to do, but doesn’t necessarily get you anywhere”! you worrywarts, why can’t you realize that silly worries make you feel saturated and disable you from seeing beautiful side of things.

It’s almost like some of them are “wired to worry”! I am not here to enlighten with new findings but in one line, we are wasting our life worrying about trifle issues! But remember, it is not going to change anything. So? So, why worry?! And yet if you can’t get rid of it, probably you deserve it!

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